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Easter in the Philippines: Black Saturday

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Easter Saturday is also known as Black Saturday in the Philippines. It's a special non-working day. It marks the important role of colour and mourning. It is part of Easter Triduum. The Easter Triduum is a religious celebration that spans three days. This day is when most TV and radio stations turn off their broadcasts and businesses close down for the day. Workers also observe the solemn days leading up to Easter, which is considered the holiest day of the Christian calendar, even more important than Christmas.

In the Lutheran Churches, the liturgical color of the day is black

The liturgical colors used for this day vary by denomination. Traditionally, violet is used to signify the end of Advent and Lent. Blue and violet are used for Christmas. Despite the differences, many Lutheran churches still use the five same colours during the Period of the End Times. These are based upon the teachings of the Book of Revelation.

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It's a day for mourning in the Philippines

Traditionally, the date is a day for mourning in the Philippines. Many Filipinos observe this date by abstaining form all worldly activities and performing acts de penance. Some communities offer rituals which include self-flagellation, or the nailing of their own hands to crosses in penance. Participation in the pabasa (marathon chanting Pasyon), the Filipino epic story of Christ's Passion and Death, and Resurrection, is another way to celebrate this day.

It is a nonworking day in Australia

Australia does not work on Holy Saturday and Black Saturday. On these days, schools and businesses close down and public transportation is stopped. It is a day to celebrate Jesus' resurrection and death. It is used in certain parts of the country to celebrate christenings, weddings, and other events.

It is a day of celebrations in the Philippines

The Philippines celebrates Black Saturday the Friday before Easter Sunday. It is a day of mourning, preparation and reflection for Easter Sunday. Filipinos do not consume meat or alcohol this day. They instead choose to focus on family and church activities. It's also a time for the traditional Easter vigil, which is celebrated the night before Easter Sunday. This is a day when children are prohibited from going on the streets.

Australia observes this day of mourning

The day of sorrow is the nation's way to show its respect for the bushfire victims on February 7. The country will mark this day with solemn ceremonies, with thousands of people turning out to pay their respects to those who lost their lives. In Melbourne, the main ceremony began in the ringing off of bells. Then came a traditional greeting from elder Aboriginal people. Kevin Rudd, the Prime Minister, requested that there be a minute of silence for the day in memory of those who were killed by bushfires.

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Australia celebrates this day.

Australia celebrates the end of fasting months with a customary celebration. Eid al-Fitr, for Muslims, is this day. Christians mark the start of Easter with Good Friday. For Christians, it marks the birth and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Both these days are celebrated by many Australians. They are based around the March equinox.

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How To

How do I make a grocery list?

You should include the items you frequently buy at your local grocery store in your grocery list. The following categories should be included in your grocery list

  • Produce (vegetables, fruits)
  • Meat/fish
  • Dairy products: milk, cheese, yogurt
  • Snacks & sweets
  • Drinks
  • Other groceries

It is important to be concise when creating a grocery list. Not writing down every meal you eat each day is a waste of time and can lead to a complicated list. Consider identifying the ingredients you use frequently, and adding them to your list. Add something new to your repertoire if you enjoy it.

Knowing the recipes you like to cook can help you save some time. There are many online recipe databases where you can look up the ingredients and print out the recipe. Another option is to take a screenshot of the ingredient listing and add it to Evernote. This will allow you to easily find it later.

For inspiration, see our article on making a grocery list.


Easter in the Philippines: Black Saturday